The Watch Collector Series: Watch Shows
It is fair to say that high-end mechanical watches have rarely been more popular than they are today. Despite living in an era of breathtakingly fast technological development, or maybe because of it, traditional timepieces are enjoying another golden age. Whether brand new models or vintage grail pieces from fabled makers, or a limited edition […]
The Watch Collector Series: Watch Collecting and Social Media
It is hard to overstate just how much of an effect the internet has had on the world of watch collecting. What was once solely the reserve of a very private clique has been carried out into the mainstream, bringing a whole new community together with swathes of blogs, dedicated forums and, perhaps most of […]
The Watch Collector Series: What are the Costs of Ownership?
When you buy a car, you generally do so in the knowledge that it isn’t just a one-time expense. Eventually, worn tyres will need replacing, the oil will have to be changed and, sooner or later, a thorough service is going to be a necessity rather than an option. Giving it a wash occasionally probably […]
The Watch Collector Series: Communities for Collecting
Some of the great joys of watch collecting are the people and communities for collecting beautiful timepieces that you meet along the way. What was once an extremely niche pastime, practiced by the select, usually very wealthy few, is now open to enthusiasts from every walk of life. It is still a fairly new phenomenon. […]