Andy Callan, Author at Beckertime, LLC - Page 6 of 97

Blog posts from Andy Callan

The Top 5 Rolex Watches To Wear This Hanukkah

The Jewish celebration of Hanukkah is a time of joy, family, and reflection on the concepts of faith and perseverance. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the eight-day holiday commemorates the miracle of the oil and is an event of great significance both religiously and culturally among the Jewish community.  Hanukkah is taking place […]

Our Christmas Rolex Wish List for 2024

Welcome to BeckerTime’s version of writing a letter to Santa! Each year, watch journalists the world over give us their predictions for what Rolex will introduce over the next 12-months. And each year (like, seriously; every single year) they are proved absolutely wrong.  This time around we’re going to do things a little differently. Tiring […]

The Chronograph Guide: Types of Scale

At their heart, every chronograph does the same thing. Taking their name from the Greek for ‘time’ (chrono) and ‘writer’ (graph), they are, essentially, models which feature a stopwatch in addition to the standard time telling function, and can be powered by anything from a manually wound mechanical movement through to the latest digital circuitry. […]

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