Ask Anybody Who Wears a Pre-Owned Rolex if They Would Trade It for a Smartphone
Like VCRs and mullet haircuts, watches have lost their importance in modern life. After all, we have our smartphones that give us the time, or our computers or laptops or any number of the newest gadgets we use in our everyday lives. Well, that is what some people think anyway. The truth of the matter […]
The Reverse Bait And Switch eBay Scam
I just made that title up. Can you tell? But is describes a phenomenon that’s all too real. I want to tell you about it. This one happens when you’re SELLING your Rolex – on eBay or via another mail order vehicle, not when you’re buying it. You sell your watch, get your money, and […]
The Scam That Really Isn’t A Scam – But It’s Still Illegal
What the heck does THAT title mean? Well, it’s this. Walk down any street in a tourist town in Mexico (or New York or LA, I’m told), and you can find fake Rolex and other brand watches for sale. $100 will get you a really nice knock-off. You know the watch is fake. I know […]
Accuracy of Mechanical Watches
The accuracy of a mechanical watch is determined by comparison to an accepted standard such as an atomic clock. Accuracy is then stated as the deviation from the standard, usually expressed in seconds per day. Several conditions can affect the accuracy of a mechanical watch. Exposure to magnetic fields, temperature extremes, alignment of the gear […]