Blogs for News, Reviews, Trends, & Stories About Rolex Watches

An Obsession – Tale of a Watchaholic

There are no better words than these that describe our thoughts about and for watches. Plenty of other words describe this feeling to even greater depths. Addiction, passion, love, lust, need. The list goes on. This is a very personal matter, and harking back to my usual posts of grail watches and what is best in my […]

Reflections on the Apple Watch

My compadre Dave Kaiten has already written his impressions of the Apple Watch here. Still, I think there’s more to be said. Or maybe different to be said. I was at 37,000 feet over Nebraska when Tim Cook dropped the watch in Cupertino. But I landed to quite a buzz. Hodinkee wrote a nicely objective […]

SmartWatches… Yes, SmartWatches… Again

With today’s dropping of Motorola’s Moto 360, and an anticipated product announcement next week by long-time smartwatch genre holdout Apple, I thought I’d weigh in one more time about smartwatches. A friend of mine who should know – he’s an ex-Dell marketing guy – claims none other than Apple industrial design genius Jony Ive has […]

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