BeckerTime is Back with their Second Annual Free(ze) Event
Summer has officially begun! Along with rising temperatures and long lazy days, summer also means that BeckerTime will host their annual Free(ze) event. Back by popular demand, the BeckerTime 2018 Summer Free(ze) promotion will take place from June 21, 2018, until September 22, 2018. During this time, BeckerTime will offer a Rolex cleaning cloth and […]
Watch Collector Series: Who Collects Watches?
There is a world of difference between a true watch collector and someone who simply owns a few watches. Many people have more than one timepiece, but the horologist (as good a term for a collector of watches as any) is a person who often goes to great lengths to acquire very specific models, usually […]
The Watch Collectors Series: Celebrity Collections
Like any occupation, the life of a celebrity has its pros and cons. Yes, the legions of adoring fans and pay checks that read like phone numbers definitely go in the ‘perks of the job’ column, but you have to measure that against living under constant scrutiny and with a paparazzo hiding in every bush. […]
The Importance of a Good watchmaker
Similar to owning a car and having a trustworthy mechanic you can depend on, if you own a luxury watch—or several—it’s important to have a good watchmaker you can call upon should you need to. If well taken care of, a Rolex watch can last several lifetimes. But the key here is to take good […]