Blogs for News, Reviews, Trends, & Stories About Rolex Watches

Why is it Important to Take Care of Your Rolex?

Congratulations! You’ve searched high and low, decided on your favorite model, and have taken the plunge by getting yourself the Rolex you’ve always wanted. While Rolex watches are by no means cheap, these mechanical marvels are built to last and, therefore, are great investments. In fact, if properly cared for, a Rolex watch can last […]

The Watch Collector Series: Watches and Cars

Watches and Cars Connection Scratch any enthusiastic watch collector and it’s a good bet you will also find a car collector, or budding car collector, lurking just below the surface. The two worlds have always been intrinsically linked. They share a number of overlapping qualities that inspire equally obsessive passions. Watches and cars are essentially […]

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